Pharma Digital Marketing Certificate Course

Ashish Babtiwale
Managing Director - Navigo Analytix
Pharma Expert with 30+ years of planning and execution involved in Marketing, Sales, Logistics & General Management.
Over 15 years of experience in exploiting Analytics & Business/IT transformation as part of Customer-centric & Brand Focus Strategies in Pharma

How going PhyGITAL – blending digital experiences with physical ones – will help to overcome the challenges between technological possibility & real-world application in your marketing warfare.
5 days - 10 hours of Online Course
Investment: INR 5,000/-
Learn the fundamentals of Digital Marketing from the top industry experts
30 ways of designing the Content for Marketing
The fusion of Physical & Digital for Pharma Marketing warfare
A glimpse into multi-channel marketing
Understand how your digital marketing campaigns are performing
Supported with industry case studies

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
What is digital marketing?
Why it is important?
Traditional marketing vs. digital marketing
Earned Media, Owned Media, Paid Media
4Ps to 4Es due to Digital Marketing
Components of Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Strategy – SOSTAC Model
Push Marketing
Pull Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Competition Analysis

Content Marketing
What is Content Marketing?
B2B & B2C Content Marketing
30 ways of content marketing
Content for Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Purchase
Live Videos
Display Advertising
Measuring Content Effectiveness
Customer Management
Customer Experience
Customer Journey Mapping
Customer classification
Customer Communication- Complementation
Customer Engagement
Customer Response generation

Brand complementation through PhyGITAL marketing
What is Branding?
How to create the winning Brand?
Social Media for Branding
Brand Prioritisation
Multi-channel Marketing in Pharma
Content Creation & legal precautions
Strategizing as per Brand Classification ( BCG/PLC)

Campaign development & Analytics
Step-by-step Facebook campaign
Introduction to Campaign Analytics
Social Media Analytics
Google Analytics
Audience Overview
Acquisition Overview
Behavior Overview
Conversions Overview
Campaign Analytics